Saying someone has an ego has become an insult, but everyone should have one.
Ego means to have a sense of one’s self-esteem.
Teenagers like to go around saying that their fellow pupils have increasingly large egos.
Ego has become a derogatory term in current vocabulary amongst teenagers.
Despite what many people think ego is a good thing to have.
Self-esteem is mentioned when people talk about having good mental health.
Why is ego seen as something so different?
In elementary school, students are taught to think about others, but as soon as high school starts the message dies down and the focus has turned to thinking about oneself.
Schools are teaching kids not to have an ego and then trying to shove one in their faces.
An ego is built over time and when it isn’t formed young then it is even harder to obtain.
It is possible to have a big ego.
When that happens it is crossing the line into selfishness and not taking account of others.
Self-esteem and selflessness should be taught in unison.
A person should not learn to put themself above another, but at the same time, a person should be strong enough to stand alone and fight for themselves.
In Honors English 10 the short story Anthem is read by students. It is about a dystopian society where everyone is seen as a collective and no one has individual identity.
It is only at the end of the story when the main character gets away from the society where he realized that the word that people got killed for saying was “ego.”
After he discovers ego he gets to understand that he is his own person and starts to find happiness and freedom in his life, while at the same time, he wants to return to the society and improve how people feel about their own self.
Ego is something that everyone needs and is essential to having freedom and being independent. Without it, there is a danger of being enslaved to other people or money or society’s whims.