For the first time in program history, the Chargers have held their first three SAC opponents without a touchdown. It was a foggy night and Carroll cut right through it.
After beating South 49-0, Dwenger 31-3, and surprisingly the Snider Panthers 30-6.

Snider was expected to be a tougher task for the Chargers as they were ranked 10 in the state after winning the 5A championship last season. The Panthers looked lifeless on Friday while getting pounced on by Will Jeffries and Josh Tillar who both had an interception Friday. the first interception was great but the second one by Will Jeffries was the dagger in the Panthers as three scores is untenable for the Panther offense.

The Charger offense was firing on all cylinders with Jimmy Sulivan throwing three touchdowns and rushing one in as well.
After a rocky start the Chargers are back above .500 and look to improve to 4-2 Friday. Wayne provides a tough test as they run an

old-style Wing T offense, the generals run 70% of the time and typically don’t trot a wide receiver out there, It is a lot of 22 personnel ( 2 tight ends). Carroll has seen a glimpse of the Wing T / Power I vs Dwnger and prevailed with a win. Carroll looks to defend the endzone yet again on Friday.
Carroll will take on the Wayne Generals tomorrow night at 7 p.m. at Wayne, in the rain and wind.