7 minutes. 7 minutes to get across the school, go to the bathroom and stop by lockers. Is it enough?
CHS has 7 minute passing periods that many students struggle with making it on time to all of their classes.
“I am at least 40 seconds late to my class in the 10-12 when I am coming from the freshman center,” said freshman Kaitlin Molden.
There is a common tardy problem throughout the school, especially with freshmen who have to travel into the 10 12.
“I don’t think it’s fair that they expect everyone to make it on time when there are a lot of people and a long way to walk,” said freshman Jocelyn Brimner.
Tardies are a problem at CHS and teachers have to try to come up with a solution to help students.
“We ask teachers for a 30-60 second grace time and to not mark kids tardy,” said associate principal Jeremy Yates.
Another problem with 7-minute passing periods is the struggle of not being able to use the bathroom and do other things besides just walking straight to class.
“I usually can’t use the bathroom and make it to class on time,” said Molden.
This is a common issue seen all throughout with being able to do more with the time in between classes.
“If I forget something that I need in my locker then I usually just have to go to class without it.” said Brimner
Students are having issues with passing periods, and the passing period includes going to and from lunch.
“I don’t think it’s fair that if I am coming from the 10-12 there are 7 minutes cut out of my lunchtime,” said Molden.
Many people wonder what will happen in the future to address this issue. Since the majority of students agree that there is a problem with the time given to students.
“We should always evaluate what we do and look at what’s best for us and the students,” said Yates.
With the passing periods, there are some positives that students can look forward to in the future, especially if they struggle with making it to class on time in the short time they are given. This is due to the mass of students all in the same area, making it hard to walk through.
There is a new hallway being built and it is supposed to help disperse students and give students another way to travel, specifically from Freshman to 10 12 and vice versa.
“We believe that the hallway will drastically improve the traffic flow from Freshmen to the 10 12,” said Yates.
Students are also happy to know that there is something that can help them with their future classes at CHS.
“I’m excited for it to be built and to see if it makes a difference with how many tardies there are and how much easier it will be to make it to class,” said Molden.
Students wonder when they can expect changes in the future and when it’s expected for the passing periods to be something they rethink.
“It will be interesting to see how next year looks,” said Yates. “It can be expected that it would take at least half a year to determine if changes need to be made.”