The Tiktok algorithm was completely overtaken by videos of people auditioning. The song, “Best Guess,” playing constantly in the background of videos. Everyone was excited.
The chance to be in Lucy Dacus’ music video after an open casting call was nothing short of a publicity stunt, though the “hot mascs” that flooded my Tiktok feed wasn’t the end of the world. Her fans were disappointed when the video premiered, seeing as the cast featured people that were already known in the industry or famous on Tiktok.
This isn’t the only criticism she has been under fire for recently, however. Fans flew to Tiktok to call her out on all of the actors in the video passing the “brown paper bag test,” a colorist discriminatory practice that started in the early 20th century.
I think the criticism that she is facing is valid, as much of a fan as I am.
It’s important to note she’s one of the most outspoken celebrities right now we have for trans and queer rights, and was passionate about the Black Lives Matter campaign in 2020. So while I think it is valid that her fans are upset to not see themselves represented, I really doubt that it was a conscious decision she made.
The music video itself I really enjoyed. The song “Best Guess” talks about how her best guess at a future she will enjoy is being with this person. In the background, the cast of masculine presenting women or “mascs” wear full tuxedos, was a very iconic choice, as they are presumed to be her “ideal type” in a partner. The group did an excellent job capturing exactly how the song feels.
So while I think she could have been smarter about her marketing tactics, I think overall this cast was an amazing choice, and everyone filled the role they were given perfectly.
The video was self directed, which personally is my favorite way of music videos to be done. I think it is the best way to really capture the essence of the song, and overall results in the artist being most happy with the outcome.
I loved the production, and was eagerly awaiting hearing the full song when I had only heard a portion of it on Tiktok. All things considered, this music video was definitely in my top three of hers, not only because I love the song, but because it was really well done.