Fort Wayne has been provided an opportunity by Kissel Entertainment for an 8-day carnival.
“We are excited to bring a record-breaking number of attractions, which include more rides than any carnival, fair, or festival in Fort Wayne’s history,” said Kissel.
Kissel Entertainment has offered to bring this carnival to Fort Wayne three days after the announcement that the 3 Rivers Festival was canceled this year due to bankruptcy-related issues.
“Better’s a loaded word, I don’t know if it’ll be better than 3 Rivers so to speak, but it’s gonna be a new way to look at having fun downtown,” said geography teacher, Logan Lee.
The Summit City Carnival claims to be excited about this project being brought to Fort Wayne.
“We’ve had a strong, long-standing relationship with the Fort Wayne area,” said Kissel.
Fort Wayne citizens seem to be excited about another upcoming to do this summer in the Midwest.
“I’m excited because when they got rid of the 3 Rivers Festival, we’d only have the Allen County fair” freshman, said Stella Roberts.
Kissel Entertainment is not just looking forward to only Fort Wayne citizens, but people all over the Midwest to travel to this upcoming carnival.
“For many of our fairs and carnivals, we attract families from neighboring states and beyond,” Kissel said.
The Midwest people all over are being gifted with this opportunity of the most rides in Fort Wayne’s history, though missing 3 Rivers.
“I’d definitely end up visiting it’s something to do during the summer when there’s not a lot to do- with my friends,” said Roberts.
Midwesterners from all over the area will definitely be occupying this upcoming carnival, which is what Kissel aims for. The carnival will be taking place in the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum Arena.
“I think it could be the next big thing. It just depends because it’s really expensive and time-consuming. I also don’t know if it’d be able to top off the Three Rivers Festival for Fort Wayne citizens… but I’d still definitely be excited and willing to visit regardless” said Roberts.
This will be a new edition and possibly a new Fort Wayne tradition if it goes well. It’s promised by Kissel to be the biggest ride ever in Fort Wayne.
“I’m sure my daughter will love it, she probably won’t even notice the difference as long as she’s having fun on the rides, enjoying the snacks, and doing what she wants,” said Lee.
Kissel Entertainment has expressed their excitement and emphasis for this carnival to be coming to Fort Wayne, especially since the city’s always been close to them, and for the neighboring states (or beyond) to come and experience the excitement as well.