On Sunday it is a good day, the weather is nice, everything is still, though the week looks like it might prove challenging. With a deadline for both a programming tech demo and a student film looming over me for Friday, it is going to be tough, but it is nothing I cannot manage. If I utilize my time wisely, things should turn out peachy.
Another day has come and gone.
On Monday, problems arise, Fall Break is just around the corner, and there is at least one project due per day this week. There is not a chance that I finish them all in school, this could prove costly time wise in the afternoons. Still, it is nothing I have not delt with before, I could still manage this.
Except for something else, I do not have a script done for broadcasting. It is an automatic zero, nothing I can really do about it now.
Another day has come and gone.
On Tuesday, more problems. The last project took all afternoon, I had no time to work on either my program or my student film. We had a cruise set for the break, but I informed my parents that I would rather not go, despite the ungodly amount of money spent.
It was mostly likely in a vain attempt to secure just a bit more time to work on my program, as that was due Saturday evening, unlike my student film which was due at the end of school Friday. I have completed programs in less time, I could be fine.
My parents are hurt by my decision, but I do not feel bad. This is more important than them.
Another day has come and gone.
On Wednesday, it only got worse, I once again had no time to work on either program or film due to other projects. I am terrified, and I am running out of time. When I get home, I grab whatever I can find and set up a haphazard and ugly set in my barn, yet I do not have time to film. Other work is calling me, and I once again must set aside both the program and the film.
Another day has come and gone.
On Thursday, there are more projects, less time. I get home and all I can muster is three separate videos, all filmed haphazardly and without preparation. I spend the rest of the night editing; I do not care about sleep. This is more important than that.
Another day has come and gone.
On Friday, I turn the film in. It is the worst thing I have ever created, but it is all I have. My spirits are crushed, I do not care anymore. I am forced to go on the cruise, I need to wake up early, I have no time to work on the program.
It is not worth it anymore; I have spent months dealing with them and I have not even seen a penny for my efforts. I wanted this so badly, but in the end my parents were right, they were just working me over for their own gain.
I gave up.
Another day has come and gone.
On Saturday, it is over. I failed on the student film front, and I lost my programming gig on the other. And now I sit on that ship, drowning out my sorrows with whatever I can find, but I am happy.
I lost my programming gig, but I am happy. I almost failed broadcasting, but I am happy.
Despite it all, I have no regrets.