Open gym night revives students from the winter blues


A freshman loses a game of Jenga at open gym night. Photo by Gwen McCleary.

An open gym night was hosted from 6-8, with an attendance of around 30 people on February 24th.

In the gym, there was volleyball games took place. There was at least two, and according to one of the players, it wasn’t played for points. English teacher Mrs. Brubaker and US History teacher Mr. Ringle were seen playing on one of the teams during the series of games.

In addition to volleyball, basketball was another sport available to play. Students at the open gym night played pickup games and various rounds of knock-out, while two other hoops were available for players to shoot hoops.

“It was a lot of fun, me and my friends really enjoyed it,” said Freshman Madeleine Bappert.

Board games were also available to play on open gym night, including Battleship, Uno, Wheel of Fortune, Jenga, and oversized Jenga.

Snacks were provided at the open gym night, as candy, Rice Krispy treats, and fruit snacks were all available to the students free of cost.

“The cost of the snacks was covered by the Student Council allowance,” said Freshman Student Council Member Lilly Essex.

Other games such as Spikeball, Ping Pong, and hula hoops were also available in the gym. A small karaoke session was held when one of the speakers stopped playing the main vocal track.

Student Council plans to hold something similar to this again in the near future to allow more students to attend.