Lights! Camera! Dragon?!?
The Theater Department is taking a trip to the 1500s for their fall play, ‘A Play About A Dragon’.
This show is set in medieval times and focuses on a group of ragtag actors who have just secured a royal audience, King Stanley The Stern, to watch their play about a dragon. However, they quickly realize that they haven’t been scheduled to perform a play about a dragon, but instead have to slay a real one!
Theater Teacher and Drama Director Emily Arata recalls choosing this play because of its comedic nature.
“A lot of plays are listed as comedies, but then when I read them I don’t really laugh much. I was just giggling to myself while reading this one,” said Arata.
‘A Play About A Dragon’ includes authentic medieval costumes, brightly colored sets, and most importantly, a giant dragon puppet.
Senior Caleb Cox (Morton Montesque) shared his excitement for the production of this show because of the comedy style.
“I didn’t know anything about it coming in, but after reading through a little bit of it, I’m excited,” Cox said. “This is my type of comedy.”
Senior Izzy Tappy (Bud/Rose) expressed her enthusiasm for her character’s powerful personality.
“She’s kind of the warrior princess character that’s raw feminism. It’s fantastic. I love it,” Tappy said.
Although excitement is on the rise for the performance of A Play About A Dragon, many logistical problems have arisen that delay the production of the show. These include budget, time management, and cast size.
Last year’s spring play, Puffs, called for a huge budget which caused Arata to be close to a breakeven with profits and expenses.
“I had no extra dollars. I bought some of the props myself because it was like, oh my goodness, we were so close to the top of the budget,” Arata said.
A lack of time also pushes back the production of shows. A large number of cast members also participate in show choir, which has constant practices often scheduled at the same time as play rehearsals.
Tappy participates in show choir and the fall play and believes that the activities often clash with each other.
“I have to leave certain rehearsals early because I’m in show choir,” Tappy said. “And since I have such an intense time commitment to both of them, I’m probably not giving 100% of my energy to the play over show choir.”
Sophomore Parker Larson (Lord Mollymop) has a similar schedule and agrees with Tappy.
“Obviously we need to be at show choir because it’s important for us to be there, but it’s just a bummer that we can’t be here as long as we want to be,” Larson said.
The amount of people interested in theater also creates issues with choosing productions. Puffs had a huge cast of 60 people, while most average theater productions consider a large cast of 10-15 people.
“It’s really hard to find plays with a ton of parts in them,” Arata said. “That’s definitely my biggest struggle.”
Even with these conflicts, the show must go on! A Play About A Dragon will be performed in the large auditorium on October fifth and sixth at seven p.m. Tickets are available now here.
Rehearsals have begun, sets are being made, and lines are being memorized. Arata welcomes all who have an interest in participating in this production as well as future productions.
“Come see [theater productions], take theater classes, it’s fun and it’s exciting and we have a good time,” Arata said. “Come check it out. Support the kids ’cause they’re hilarious.”