Cuomo brothers provide comedic relief amid pandemic
The playful sparring between the Cuomo brothers has provided the nation with a window into their relationship. Andrew, right, is governor of New York and Chris, left, is an anchor on CNN.
As the coronavirus continues to sweep across the nation, Americans seem to fall into one of two categories: those that are glued to the news as if their very lives depend upon it and those that avoid the headlines like the virus itself.
But in the midst of the rising numbers, crashing economy and alarming headlines, two brothers have became a bit of light in the darkness, interrupting your daily dose of depressing news with some much needed comedic relief.
They’re known as the Cuomo brothers and Americans just can’t get enough. Forget Tiger King; the interviews between these brawling brothers might just be better than anything Netflix has to offer.
Considering older brother Andrew’s role as Governor of New York and younger brother Christopher’s journalism career for CNN, the pair’s jobs of keeping Americans informed frequently overlap.
The result is quite comical.
“Look, some of us have to work, right?” Governor Andrew Cuomo said in an interview during brother Chris Cuomo’s one-hour CNN show Cuomo Primetime. “Most of us work more than one hour a day, that’s all I’m saying.”
The brotherly love has since continued on with Chris Cuomo bringing the heat to the New York governor on air, asking the tough questions journalists must ask. In one such interview, Chris Cuomo inquired on his brother’s new soft side, specifically considering his relationship with President Donald Trump through the new lens of the coronavirus.
“I’ve always been a soft guy,” Governor Andrew Cuomo said. “I am the Love Gov. I’m a cool dude in a loose mood, you know that. I just say let it go, go with the flow baby, you know?”
“You’ve never said any of those things,” Chris Cuomo responded. “I’ve known you my whole life.”
“Yeah, well that’s your opinion,” the governor said. “You should listen better. Listening works.”
All jokes aside, the brothers have also been a primary source of sorts after Chris Cuomo announced that he had tested positive for the coronavirus March 31. Chris has since shared his experience fighting the monster known as COVID-19, warning that “the beast comes out at night” causing rigors, fever, shortness of breath, chills, and even hallucinations.
“Other than the blessed few, the rest of us who get this are going to have an experience unlike anything they’ve ever had,” Chris Cuomo said.
But in true Cuomo fashion, Chris continues to keep his spirits high and brotherly jests rolling, recalling his hallucinations from the night prior in an interview April 2 with his brother during the New York governor’s daily press briefings.
“You came to me in a dream. You had on a very interesting ballet outfit and you were dancing in the dream,” said Chris Cuomo. “You were waving a wand and saying ‘I wish I could wave my wand and make this go away.’ Then you spun around and you danced away.”
“Well, that’s a lot of metaphoric reality in that one. I thank you for sharing that with us,” Governor Cuomo said. “That was…kind of you.”

Remmington is a senior at Carroll. This is her third year on the newspaper staff and second year as co-editor in chief. She is an avid writer...