Making a fitness goal under quarantine


Casey Berndt

Lifting weights and exercising during a time where we are not able to go out leads to motivation of getting yourself in a better state mentally and physically.

Normally I do not exercise at all but being stuck inside for so long made me want to do something with my free time.

I started to go onto YouTube and find at home work outs that were easy to do.

When I was younger I played many sports and kept pretty fit but once I was in high school I did not really do anything athletic.

During my senior year I am taking an athletic training class and it goes over all aspects of exercise and rehabilitation.

That class made me want to get back into the swing of things and I want to learn how to maintain a healthy body weight and healthy regimen for my everyday quarantined life.

Staying fit has a million benefits to a person and during a time like this I have no excuses to not exercise because I have nothing else to do.

Eating healthy also contributes to exercising well too and trust me that has been the hardest thing ever.

When my family buys groceries we buy snacks and that’s that.

I admit I do not always eat healthy and that could be the other side of me not wanting to exercise all the time because of that.

I wonder what my diet will be after quarantine is over because groceries will be replenished and restaurants will re open.

After this all I think that people will head to their restaurants that they normally had gone to and really indulge.

Popeye’s is my first stop when we are able to go out because that is my favorite.

Continuing my exercise regimen is important because I want to be healthier than I am now and I hope I have enough mental strength to follow through with it during the period of time that we are locked away.