We Are The Charger Online
7 Different Students.. Tossed together to make a paper. The Charger Online…
October 20, 2017

The Newspaper Club
The Feminist…
My name is Hannah Harper and I am a sophomore and in the newspaper class I am Photo and Social Media editor, this being the first year I have been on the newspaper. In my spare time I run and play piano, ukulele and guitar. I’m a ginormous fan of Harry Potter, and have read the books more than I can count (my last count was about seven times). I love to read every kind of literature I can get my hands on, and writing for a large magazine has been my dream since middle school. Through my life, I have constantly tried to bring people up and keep everyone smiling, to help people find the best parts of life. I am extremely passionate about equality for everyone in the world, because I have felt extremely lucky my whole life because of the opportunities I have had to create a great life for myself, and I feel like everyone in the world should also be able to feel like they could create a good life for themselves too. I also feel passionate about education and students feeling like they matter and that they can always do their best, no matter the circumstances.
The Fashionista…
My name is Jacey McLaughlin and I am a senior on the Newspaper staff. I am a swimmer on the school’s team and I am a part of the school’s fashion program. I would like to study either fashion journalism or fashion marketing. My advice to others would be, don’t stress about the small things. Try to stay positive and find the good in all things no matter how big or small. I hope to help convey that message via the Newspaper, I hope to help people express themselves through fashion and keep a positive mindset as often as possible.
The Geek..
My name is Tauri Hagemann, and I’m a senior here at Carroll. This is my first year as a member of the newspaper staff, and I work as Opinions Editor and a Staff Writer . I enjoy reading and writing, and would love to be able to have a career as a writer in the future. I’m probably what most people would call a geek, because I’m a fan of Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, et cetera, and I’m a huge fan of a lot of newer Broadway musicals. I also love spending as much time as possible with my friends, as my friends and family are important to me. I like to say that my top three priorities are faith, family, and friends. I’m involved in my church (Living Waters Community Church in Garrett) and my Bible study group. Over the past year, I’ve become deeply involved in my faith, so the life advice I try most to live by is to just trust that God has a plan for everything, and not to stress about what He’s doing in my life. Being a Christian, I believe strongly that people shouldn’t be judged for their faith and their beliefs, and I try to be as kind and accepting of others as I possibly can.
The Philosopher..
The boundaries of your mind are endless, the human consciousness is incomprehensible. Im Aleena Daenens, the co editor in chief of the newspaper. I value the power of knowledge, climbing trees, and listening to others. Throughout life I’ve faced trials and tribulations giving me life altering choices that developed who I am today. I’ve found myself through pain, and understanding the human emotions has allowed me to accept pain and turn it into a learning process. My biggest life lessons are; necessity is blind until it becomes conscious, and that a genuine listener can brighten anyones day. My life is dedicated to going into the field of psychology, making people realize that their worth is more than an illness. In a world full of wonders and possibilities, I want to explore the mind more than anything else. Newspaper is important to me because in a world of selfish humans, ways to connect everyone is often underestimated. So as a community, breaking social boundaries is key to a happy community; especially in carroll high school. Join newspaper to feel accepted in a friendly environment, and further your understanding and acceptance of the school.
The Jock..
My favorite hobby is playing sports. Im Joe Hacker. Primarily I play hockey and golf, as well as basketball for fun during the summer. Also I watch sports regularly, whether that be golf on Sundays, hockey games on the weekend, or going to basketball games during the week. A life lesson that I have learned is that if you don’t take everything super seriously, than your stress level will go way down and your happiness will go way up. Something that I feel strongly about is that the laws of our country need to be strongly enforced and that we need to have a strong military. I also strongly believe in love and respect for our country and the men and women of our military that fight for our freedom.
The Scholar..
I really enjoy playing football or capture the flag. I’ve been playing them since I was little and they’ve become an important tradition in my life. Don’t forget to smile every day. There are a lot of times where people will let things bring them down so far they don’t bother, but everyone is impacted by you and what vibe you’re putting out. Smiling at one person can make their day.
I feel strong about this quote by F. Scott Fitzgerald: “I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you are not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.” I’m a big believer in being happy in every step of your life, and if you aren’t, don’t be afraid to change it.
I’m Allison Reid and I am news editor for the Charger Online.
The Journalist..
My name is Luke Hanna, co-editor in chief on the Carroll Newspaper Staff. Some of the hobbies I do just to relieve the stress are writing, playing golf, and listening to music. Writing is almost an obvious hobby as I would like to go into journalism as a career. I started playing golf with my dad at a young age and just recently, around freshman year, started to play more legitimately. Finally, music has been almost like a savior to me. Whenever anything is on my mind, my headphones are always my best friend. I feel really strongly about the fact that classic paper journalism is dying. The newspaper used to be a way of American life and now it is almost disappeared. I’ve learned a few life lessons through my 17 years of age and 13 years of schooling. One thing i learned is that lying will only lead to bad and it’s best to never lie. Another lesson I’ve learned from my 13 years of schooling on a public scale is don’t let your social status run your life. Once social status takes over someone’s life, they become conceited and full of themselves. You don’t need the most popular kid in class to be your friend. You need people that genuinely make you happy, people that know exactly what to say when you’re down, people with the same personality style as you to be your friends.
The feminist. The fashionista. The geek. The philosopher. The jock. The scholar. The journalist. 7 different people participating in the chance to change the school. Apart, we’re different. Together, we share the same goal. Bringing the newspaper back.