Squad tears through SAC powers Snider, Luers
Team faces North Side at CHS field 7 p.m. Friday
The Chargers prepare for their upcoming game against North Side. Both teams are undefeated at the time of publication.
Amidst the pandemic, the Charger’s football season is still kicking off.
COVID-19 has shut down countless operations across the world, but thanks to Carroll’s administrators and management, the team gets to play this year–and it appears they are making the most of it.
The Charger’s first game resulted in a resounding victory over Bishop Luers. Confidence will be running high as the season progresses.
Their victory and the confidence that followed was well earned. Before the school had confirmed or denied whether there would be a football season or not, the players were preparing for it.
“I personally prepared for football by training at Traction AP during the off-season,” junior Liam Ottenweller said. “This helped me a lot because of my position change from middle linebacker to defensive end.”
Ottenweiler said the team prepared by Zoom calls when getting together was not possible and rigorously conditioning when the team could get together.
Traction AP, or Traction Athletic Performance, is a training center here in Fort Wayne. They pride themselves in not only training for sports, but for life.
Senior Logan Swain said he prepared by “working with my teammates and lifting weights to get stronger… both physically and mentally.” He, like Ottenweller, mentioned the importance of zoom calls during the quarantine.
Because of the players’ persistence during the off-season, their expectations are quite high.
“My expectations are very high,” Ottenweller said. “We are coming off of a good year last year, and have … many returning players.”

Swain too is optimistic for the season.
He says the team expects to win sectionals, and do generally well in this season.
The Chargers are not only relying on their skill this season. They know that a good amount of success comes from simply enjoying playing together.
“The people on the team make it [really] enjoyable,” said Swain. “Everyone talks to each other and all have fun, whether it is about football or not.”
Ottenweller agrees: “My favorite part about being on the football team is how close we all are and how well everyone works together.” He used the word “synergy” to describe the football team, because, “all of the guys I play with are high energy, and we feed off of each other, making us all better players.”
Carroll’s football team is looking great after winning the previously stated Bishop Luers game, 48-14, and more recently beating Snider 42-12.
The team is certainly a contender, and should have good success in both the regular season and post-season.

Blake Mast is a senior at Carroll High School, who is going into his third year of newspaper. He lives with his mom and his dad, and his younger brother....